How to Fix This Meter Display Animation from Bottom to Up Using HTML and CSS?
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How to Fix This Meter Display Animation from Bottom to Up Using HTML and CSS?

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Are you tired of that annoying meter display animation that starts from the top and moves down? Want to flip it around and make it start from the bottom and move up instead? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to show you exactly how to do just that using HTML and CSS!

What’s the Problem with the Default Animation?

The default meter display animation starts from the top and moves down, which can be visually unappealing and even distracting in some cases. Imagine a progress bar that starts filling up from the top and moves down, it just doesn’t feel natural, does it? Moreover, in certain contexts, it can even be misleading, giving the impression that the progress is decreasing instead of increasing. So, let’s fix this and make it start from the bottom and move up instead!

Understanding the HTML Structure

To fix this animation, we need to understand the HTML structure behind it. A typical meter display animation uses an HTML structure like this:

<div class="meter">

The `.meter` class is used to define the container element, and the `span` element inside it is used to display the animation.

Fixing the Animation with CSS

Now that we have our HTML structure, let’s move on to the CSS part. We’ll use CSS to fix the animation and make it start from the bottom and move up. Here’s the CSS code:

.meter {
  position: relative;
  height: 20px; /* adjust the height according to your needs */
  width: 100%; /* adjust the width according to your needs */
  background-color: #f0f0f0; /* adjust the background color according to your needs */

.meter span {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0; /* this will make the animation start from the bottom */
  left: 0;
  height: 100%; /* this will make the animation fill up the container */
  width: 0%; /* initial width is 0, we'll animate it later */
  background-color: #007bff; /* adjust the background color according to your needs */
  transition: width 0.5s ease-out; /* adjust the transition timing according to your needs */

.meter span.animate {
  width: 100%; /* set the final width to 100% */

Let’s break down what we’ve done here:

  • We set the `.meter` container to have a relative position, so we can use absolute positioning for the `span` element.
  • We set the `bottom` property of the `span` element to `0`, which makes the animation start from the bottom.
  • We set the `height` property of the `span` element to `100%`, which makes the animation fill up the container.
  • We set the `width` property of the `span` element to `0%`, which is the initial width.
  • We added a transition effect to the `width` property, which will animate the width from `0%` to `100%` when we add the `.animate` class.

Adding the Animation Class

Now that we have our CSS in place, let’s add the animation class to our HTML structure using JavaScript:

  const meter = document.querySelector('.meter');
  const span = meter.querySelector('span');

This code selects the `.meter` container and its child `span` element, and adds the `.animate` class to the `span` element, which triggers the animation.

Putting it all Together

Now that we have our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in place, let’s put it all together:

<div class="meter">

  const meter = document.querySelector('.meter');
  const span = meter.querySelector('span');

  .meter {
    position: relative;
    height: 20px; /* adjust the height according to your needs */
    width: 100%; /* adjust the width according to your needs */
    background-color: #f0f0f0; /* adjust the background color according to your needs */
  .meter span {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0; /* this will make the animation start from the bottom */
    left: 0;
    height: 100%; /* this will make the animation fill up the container */
    width: 0%; /* initial width is 0, we'll animate it later */
    background-color: #007bff; /* adjust the background color according to your needs */
    transition: width 0.5s ease-out; /* adjust the transition timing according to your needs */
  .meter span.animate {
    width: 100%; /* set the final width to 100% */

And that’s it! You should now see the meter display animation starting from the bottom and moving up.

Tips and Variations

Here are some tips and variations to take your animation to the next level:

  • Adjust the animation timing: You can adjust the transition timing by changing the value of the `transition` property. For example, you can set it to `0.2s` for a faster animation or `1s` for a slower animation.
  • Change the animation direction: You can change the animation direction by changing the value of the `bottom` property. For example, you can set it to `top` to make the animation start from the top and move down.
  • Add multiple colors: You can add multiple colors to your animation by adding multiple `span` elements with different background colors.
  • Make it interactive: You can make the animation interactive by adding event listeners to the `.meter` container. For example, you can add a click event listener to toggle the animation on and off.
Property Value Description
position relative Sets the position of the container element
height 20px Sets the height of the container element
width 100% Sets the width of the container element
background-color #f0f0f0 Sets the background color of the container element
transition width 0.5s ease-out Sets the transition effect for the width property

And that’s it! You now know how to fix a meter display animation from bottom to up using HTML and CSS. Remember to experiment with different styles and variations to make your animation truly unique.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to fix a meter display animation from bottom to up using HTML and CSS. We’ve covered the HTML structure, the CSS styles, and the JavaScript code required to make it work. We’ve also provided some tips and variations to take your animation to the next level. So, go ahead and give it a try, and don’t be afraid to experiment and make it your own!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to fix this meter display animation from bottom to up using HTML and CSS?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to animate your meter display from bottom to up with HTML and CSS!

How do I create a basic meter display using HTML and CSS?

To create a basic meter display, you can use HTML and CSS to style a `

` element. Create a container `

` with a fixed width and height, and add a child `

` element inside it. The child `

` will represent the meter display. Use CSS to style the container and child elements, adding borders, backgrounds, and padding as needed. For example: `


How can I animate the meter display from bottom to up using CSS?

To animate the meter display from bottom to up, you can use CSS keyframe animations. Add a CSS animation to the child `

` element, setting the `height` property to 0% at the start and 100% at the end. For example: `.meter { animation: fill-up 2s ease-in-out; } @keyframes fill-up { 0% { height: 0%; } 100% { height: 100%; } }`.

How can I make the animation smooth and continuous?

To make the animation smooth and continuous, you can add more keyframes to the animation, setting intermediate `height` values. You can also adjust the animation duration and easing function to fine-tune the effect. For example: `@keyframes fill-up { 0% { height: 0%; } 20% { height: 20%; } 50% { height: 50%; } 100% { height: 100%; } }`.

Can I use JavaScript to control the animation?

Yes, you can use JavaScript to control the animation. Add a JavaScript event listener to the container element, and use the `classList` API to add or remove a CSS class that triggers the animation. For example: `document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() { var meterContainer = document.querySelector(‘.meter-container’); meterContainer.addEventListener(‘click’, function() { meterContainer.classList.add(‘animate’); }); });`.

How can I customize the animation to fit my design?

You can customize the animation to fit your design by adjusting the CSS styles, animation duration, and easing function. You can also add additional CSS properties, such as `background-color`, `border-radius`, and `box-shadow`, to enhance the visual effect. Experiment with different CSS values to achieve the desired look and feel.

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