Unraveling the Mystery: Do I Need Both CPE + PackageUrl in Suppression for Dependency-Check?
Image by Feodoriya - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Do I Need Both CPE + PackageUrl in Suppression for Dependency-Check?

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dependency-check, a powerful tool for identifying vulnerabilities in your dependencies, can sometimes leave you scratching your head. One such head-scratcher is the question of whether you need both CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) and packageUrl in suppression for dependency-check. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of dependency management and provide clear, direct instructions to help you make sense of it all.

What is Dependency-Check?

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a step back and understand what dependency-check is. Dependency-check is an open-source tool that identifies vulnerabilities in your project’s dependencies. It does this by analyzing the dependencies listed in your project’s pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle) files, and then checks them against a database of known vulnerabilities.

Why Do I Need to Suppress Dependencies?

Sometimes, dependency-check may flag a dependency as vulnerable, even if you’ve already taken steps to mitigate the risk. This is where suppression comes in. Suppression allows you to tell dependency-check to ignore specific dependencies or vulnerabilities, so you can focus on the real issues.

CPE: The Common Platform Enumeration

CPE is a standardized way of identifying and naming software components. It’s like a fingerprint for software, allowing you to uniquely identify a component and its versions. In the context of dependency-check, CPE is used to specify the component that you want to suppress.

Here’s an example of a CPE in suppression:


In this example, the CPE identifies the Apache Commons FileUpload component, version 1.3.1. By specifying this CPE in suppression, you’re telling dependency-check to ignore any vulnerabilities associated with this specific component.

PackageUrl: The Package URL

PackageUrl is another way to identify a software component. Unlike CPE, which is a standardized naming convention, PackageUrl is a URL that points to a package manager’s repository. In the context of dependency-check, PackageUrl is used to specify the package that you want to suppress.

Here’s an example of a PackageUrl in suppression:


In this example, the PackageUrl points to the Apache Commons FileUpload package in the Maven repository, version 1.3.1. By specifying this PackageUrl in suppression, you’re telling dependency-check to ignore any vulnerabilities associated with this specific package.

Do I Need Both CPE + PackageUrl in Suppression?

Now, let’s get to the million-dollar question: do you need both CPE and PackageUrl in suppression for dependency-check? The short answer is no, you don’t need both. However, there are some nuances to consider.

When to use CPE:

  • You’re dealing with a custom or proprietary component that doesn’t have a PackageUrl.
  • You want to suppress a vulnerability at the component level, rather than the package level.

When to use PackageUrl:

  • You’re dealing with a package that has a well-known PackageUrl.
  • You want to suppress a vulnerability at the package level, rather than the component level.

In general, if you’re working with well-known packages from popular repositories like Maven or npm, you can use PackageUrl. If you’re working with custom or proprietary components, or you need to suppress vulnerabilities at the component level, use CPE.

Best Practices for Suppression

When using suppression, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure you’re not inadvertently ignoring real vulnerabilities. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be specific: Only suppress specific components or packages that you’ve explicitly reviewed and mitigated.
  2. Use the correct format: Ensure you’re using the correct format for CPE or PackageUrl, depending on your needs.
  3. Keep suppression up-to-date: Regularly review and update your suppression list to ensure you’re not ignoring new vulnerabilities.
  4. Document your reasoning: Keep a record of why you’ve suppressed specific dependencies, so you can revisit and update your decision later.


In conclusion, while you don’t need both CPE and PackageUrl in suppression for dependency-check, understanding when to use each is crucial. By following best practices and being mindful of your suppression strategy, you can ensure that you’re effectively managing vulnerabilities in your dependencies. Remember to stay vigilant, and happy coding!

Keyword Definition
CPE Common Platform Enumeration, a standardized way of identifying software components
PackageUrl A URL that points to a package manager’s repository, used to identify software components
Dependency-Check An open-source tool for identifying vulnerabilities in project dependencies

Note: This article is meant to provide a comprehensive guide to using CPE and PackageUrl in suppression for dependency-check. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for official documentation or expert advice. Always consult the official dependency-check documentation and seek guidance from qualified professionals when implementing suppression strategies.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about using CPE and packageUrl in suppression for dependency-check? We’ve got the answers!

Do I really need both CPE and packageUrl for suppression?

While it’s recommended to use both, you can actually get away with just using one. However, using both CPE and packageUrl ensures more accurate matches and provides better suppression results.

What happens if I only provide a CPE and not a packageUrl?

If you only provide a CPE, the suppression will still work, but it might not be as accurate. The CPE will be used to match against the vulnerable component, but without the packageUrl, the suppression might not be as targeted.

Can I use packageUrl without a CPE?

Yes, you can use packageUrl without a CPE. In this case, the suppression will match based on the packageUrl only. However, keep in mind that this might lead to false positives or negatives if the packageUrl is not unique or is used in multiple components.

How do I know which one to prioritize, CPE or packageUrl?

If you have both CPE and packageUrl information, prioritize the CPE. The CPE provides a more specific and standardized way to identify vulnerable components. However, if you only have packageUrl information, it’s still better to use it rather than nothing at all.

Are there any cases where I shouldn’t use both CPE and packageUrl?

While using both CPE and packageUrl is recommended, there might be cases where using both is not necessary or even counterproductive. For example, if you’re suppressing a false positive and the CPE is not accurate, using both might lead to more issues. In such cases, use your judgment and consider the specific situation.